Kinesiology Resources

Welcome to our Kinesiology Resources page where you will find links to lots of useful information to further your study of Kinesiology and deepen your knowledge of you. Some of our Kinesiology resources are password protected for students only but we have also included some Kinesiology resources that are open for everyone.

Foundation Homework Levels 1-6 (PDF)

Kinesiology_TrainingThis area is password protected: If you are a student studying on our Kinesiolgy Foundation course, here you can download extra notes and homework for Levels 1-6. You will also find helpful templates for your case study work and client history notes. Students are asked to print off relevant documents and bring in completed homework at the beginning of each new level. Level 6 is the only exception when students can email their homework in by a final date.

Muscle Dance (Video)

This area is password protected: Learning the 15 muscles on the Wheel Balance can take a bit of doing, so to help you remember the names, the meridians and the tests, why not watch and follow this video until you know them off by heart. Just make sure your neighbours don’t see you, as we are using the term ‘dance’ very loosely!

Neck Jaw & Sacrum Demos (Videos)

Kinesiology Resources 023 free videos to demonstrate simple yet powerful techniques to release tension in  the neck, sacrum and jaw. These videos are particularly useful for Kinesiology students who have an understanding of bilaterally weak muscles however the gentle and effective techniques demonstrated can be used by anyone at anytime.

Daily Energy Routine (Free Download)

Daily Energy RoutineIn Chinese medicine the energy within is called chi; and in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian philosophy of health and well-being, the life force is known as prana. In fact, the Sanskrit translation of the word prana is ‘vital life.’ Created by Dawn Bailey and based on Kinesiology techniques ‘The Daily Energy Routine’ can help to stimulate your energy force, giving you the potential to boost your well-being and increase the integrity of your mind, body and spirit.