Neck, Jaw & Sacrum Demos

These videos are particularly useful for Kinesiology students who are learning how to strengthen bilaterally weak muscles, as they help to demonstrate technique, firmness of touch and client consideration.

However these gentle and effective techniques can be used by anyone at anytime to bring about relief in the neck, jaw and sacral areas of the body but having a good knowledge of Kinesiology can help to make these strengthening tools even more powerful.

If you would like to study with Essence please visit our Training pages.

Releasing Neck Tension

RESOURCE VIDEO #1 This is the first of three free resource videos to aid our Foundation level students with their homework on bi-laterally weak muscles with Dawn demonstrating (and Kiron as the happy recipient) However, even if you haven't done your Kinesiology training with us yet this lovely technique can be done by anyone at anytime and is a wonderful way of releasing tension from an achy neck. More videos on the way 'Releasing the Sacrum' and 'Releasing the Jaw.'

Posted by Essence Health Training on Friday, 11 December 2015

Rubbing the neck can help to strengthen bilaterally weak Psoas muscles.

Releasing the Sacrum

RESOURCE VIDEO #2 Here is the second of our three resource videos to help our Foundation level students with their homework on bi-laterally weak muscles. This video shows a technique to help release the ***sacrum (which is particularly beneficial if the hamstring muscles are bi-laterally weak) however why not try it on a friend or family member who spends a lot of time sitting or is in a sedentary job. The gentle techniques that we are showing you in these videos can be effectively performed by anyone, however if you have a good knowledge of Kinesiology they have the potential to become even more powerful. Find out more about our Foundation and Practitioner level training here ***The sacral region (sacrum) is at the bottom of the spine and lies between the fifth segment of the lumbar spine (L5) and the coccyx (tailbone)

Posted by Essence Health Training on Monday, 14 December 2015

Pushing gently downwards and foot-wards on the sacrum in time with the in breath and releasing the pressure on the out breath can help strengthen bilaterally weak hamstring muscles.

Releasing the Jaw

RESOURCE VIDEO #3 Here is the final of our three free resource videos to aid our Foundation students with their homework on bi-laterally weak muscles. However as with the other two videos that we have shared, this gentle and effective technique can be used by anyone at anytime to bring about relief from tension and perhaps even a heightened sense of well-being. Here you can learn how to release tension from the jaw. The TMJ joint, lips, tongue and teeth use HALF the brain's motor cortex capacity so when we are balanced and relaxed in this areas the benefits are far-reaching for the body AND mind. Jaw rubbing can be done at anytime (by yourself or by someone else) and is particularly useful for people who have experienced dental work, whiplash or prolonged periods of stress. You can also try it in the evening before sleeping to prevent grinding your teeth at night or in the morning on waking to help train your jaw into relaxation for the day ahead. To find out about how you can learn more techniques like this and how you can bring them to life more powerfully by studying Kinesiology, please visit our website

Posted by Essence Health Training on Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Rubbing the jaw firmly and thoroughly can help strengthen bilaterally weak piriformis muscles.

However jaw rubbing can be done at anytime (by yourself or by someone else) and is particularly useful for people who have experienced dental work, whiplash or prolonged periods of stress. You can also try it in the evening before sleeping to prevent grinding your teeth at night or in the morning on waking to help train your jaw into relaxation for the day ahead.

The TMJ joint, lips, tongue and teeth use HALF the brain’s motor cortex capacity so when we are balanced and relaxed in this area the benefits are far-reaching for the body and mind.